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煤基原料合成生产α-烯烃及精细化学品前景可期(附最新煤制油项目地图)/ Produce Alpha-olefins and Fine Chemicals From Coal to Oil Process can be Expected
2017-10-20 l 中国a- 烯烃市场与技术论坛2017将于11 月24 日在贵阳 召开l 内蒙古伊泰集团有限公司的领导专家将出x i大会并作精彩演讲 l 介绍煤基原料合成生产α-烯烃及精细化学品
通过运行实践,中国煤制油产业已经进步入商业化阶段。伊泰公司建成了中国首个拥有完全自主知识产权的16万吨/年煤炭间接液化工业化示范项目。目前,公司正在内蒙及新疆地区建设4个总规模达600万吨/年以上的煤炭间接液化商业化放大项目。同时,潞安、神华宁煤等正在推进一系列大规模煤炭间接液化项目。 亚化咨询统计显示,截至2016年底,中国已投产或试车成功的煤炭间接液化项目共有7个,合计产能176万吨/年,预计2017-2020年还将新增产能1265万吨。届时,煤制油过程α-烯烃的供应量将大幅提升。 全球范围内,α-烯烃的生产方法及来源主要有乙烯齐聚法,蜡裂解法,费托合成法,烷烃脱氢等。其中,费托合成法由南非Sasol公司开发并采用,是从煤制油费托合成过程中富含α-烯烃的馏分中分离出优质的α-烯烃,重要产品有1-戊烯、1-己烯。同时,公司开发了基于费托合成馏分的1-辛烯合成技术。鉴于中国有大量投产及在建煤制油项目,该工艺可以作为煤制油企业制备α-烯烃的或回收烃类副产品的备选方案。 中国煤化工和石油化工路线的聚乙烯产业蓬勃发展,和高端润滑油市场发展,将驱动a-烯烃需求稳步增长。相较石油路线,煤基α-烯烃及精细化学品平均生产成本较低,质量好、附加值高、竞争优势明显,具有良好的市场空间和发展前景。 中国a-烯烃市场与技术论坛2017将于11月24日在贵阳召开。会议将探讨全球及中国a-烯烃市场现状与趋势;a-烯烃未来需求增长空间;a-烯烃生产技术进展;a-烯烃下游应用;a-烯烃项目投资;聚a-烯烃关键技术开发与应用等。 如果您有意向在本次会议上做演讲报告,或需进一步了解会议信息,欢迎尽快与我们联系
请扫描下方二维码联系 Produce Alpha-olefins and Fine Chemicals From Coal to Oil Process can be Expected (the latest coal to oil project map included) l Alpha Olefins Market & Tech Conference 2017 will be held in Guiyang on Nov. 24th. l The leadership of Inner Mongolia Yitai Group Co., Ltd will attend the conference and give an important speech. l Introduce the production of coal based alpha-olefins and fine chemicals
Hydrocarbons produced from indirect liquefaction of coal has the distinct characteristics of rich chain alkanes (content>95%), free of aromatic, sulfur or other impurities, high alpha-olefins content (more than 50%). Alpha-olefins is an important high-end organic raw material, widely used as comonomer, high-end lubricants raw materials, depressants and surfactants, etc. Through the operation of practice, China's coal to oil industry has entered the commercial stage. Yitai built China's first fully independent intellectual property right of 160kt/a coal indirect liquefaction industrialization demonstration project. At present, the company is to build 4 coal indirect liquefaction commercialization amplification projects in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang region with total capacity of 6Mt/a. At the same time, Lu'an, Shenhua Ningxia Coal Company are promoting a series of large-scale coal indirect liquefaction projects. ASIACHEM data shows that, by the end of 2016, 7 coal indirect liquefaction projects have put into operation and successful commissioned in China, with total capacity of 1.76Mt/a, it is expected that from 2017 to 2020, there still 12.65Mt/a will be released. The supply of alpha-olefins during the coal-to-oil process will increase significantly. Worldwide, alpha-olefins production methods and sources are mainly ethylene oligomerization, wax cracking, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, alkane dehydrogenation, etc. Among, the F-T synthesis method developed and used by Sasol Company is to separate high-quality alpha-olefins from fractions of coal-based F-T synthesis process. The important products include 1-pentene, 1-hexene. At the same time, the company developed a 1-octene synthesis technology based on F-T synthesis fractions. In view of China has many coal to oil projects put into operation and under construction, the process is one of options which can be used by coal to oil enterprises to prepare alpha-olefins or recycle hydrocarbon by-products. The blooming development of China's coal chemical and petrochemical based PE industry, as well as the high-end lubricants market, will drive alpha-olefins demand steady growth. Compared with the crude oil route, coal-based alpha-olefins and fine chemicals have lower average production cost, good quality, high added value, obvious competitive advantage, good market space and development prospects. Alpha Olefins Market & Tech Conference 2017 will be held on Nov. 24 in Guiyang, China. Industrial people will discuss a-olefins market, production technologies, a-olefins downstream application; a-olefins projects investments; a-olefins key technologies; and also arrange an industrial visit. If you are interested in making a speech at this conference, or you need further information, please feel free to contact us: