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Little Legends: The Cute Customization Features of TFT

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Little Legends are the adorable companions that accompany players in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). They come in various shapes, sizes, and designs that players can choose from to fully customize their gaming experience. Customization is one of the main highlights of TFT, and Little Legends have some of the cutest customization features available in the game.

One of the features that make Little Legends so customizable is their different species. Currently, players can choose from six different species of Little Legends: Pengu Featherknight, Craggle Fizzlerock, Shadowmask Molediver, Melisma Furyhorn, Runespirit Urf, and Hauntling. These species vary in size and shape, giving players a range of options to choose from.

Another customization feature is the different variants within each species. Each Little Legend has a base design, but players can also choose from different upgrades or styles. For example, Pengu Featherknight has four different styles to choose from: Bluejay, Hushtail, Silverwing, and Furyhorn. These styles change the color scheme and other visual elements of the Little Legend, making them more personalized.

Players can also customize their Little Legends by equipping them with different eggs. Eggs represent the Little Legends' hatching stages, and each egg corresponds to a different rarity: common, uncommon, rare, epic, or legendary. Players can use these eggs to level up their Little Legends or unlock new ones altogether. This adds a layer of excitement and anticipation to TFT as players eagerly wait to see what their eggs will hatch into.

Lastly, Little Legends can be customized even further through emotes and chromas. Emotes are animations that can be triggered during gameplay by using an emote button. Chromas, on the other hand, are color variations of each Little Legend and can be earned through events or by making in-game purchases.

Overall, the Little Legends in TFT offer a ton of customization options that allow players to choose the perfect companion for their gameplay style. From species to styles, eggs to emotes, there's no shortage of ways to make your Little Legend truly yours.



发表于 2023-6-9 01:52:15




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