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| physico-chemical analysis |
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| flow injection analysis;FIA |
| sequentical injection analysis;SIA |
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| relative average debiation |
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| relatibe standard deviation;RSD |
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| pooled standard debiation |
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| double indicator titration |
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| α-naphthalphenol benzyl alcohol |
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| ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid,EDTA |
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| oxidation-reduction titration |
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| potassium permanganate method |
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| potassium dichromate method |
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| volumetric precipitation method |
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电化学分析 | |
| electrolytic analysis method |
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| standard hydrogen electrode |
| primary reference electrode |
| standard calomel electrode |
| silver silver-chloride electrode |
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| homogeneous membrance electrodes |
| heterog eneous membrance electrodes |
| non- crystalline electrodes |
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| electrode with a mobile carrier |
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| total ion strength adjustment buffer,TISAB |
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| double amperometric titration |
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| atomic emission spectroscopy |
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| ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry;UV-vis |
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| photodiode array detector |
| partial least squares method ,PLS |
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| electron with-drawing group |
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| fluorescence quantum yield |
| fluorescence quemching method |
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| Reyleith scanttering light |
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| mid-infrared absorption spectrum,Mid-IR |
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| infrared spectrophotometry |
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| symmetrical stretching vibration |
| asymmetrical stretching vibration |
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| in-plane bending vibration,β |
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| out-of-plane bending vibration,γ |
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| symmetrical deformation vibration ,δs |
| asymmetrical deformation vibration, δas |
| charateristic avsorption band |
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| correlation absorption band |
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| intensity of absorption band |
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| atomic absorption spectrophotometry,AAS |
| atomic emmsion spectrophotometry,AES |
| atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry,AFS |
| nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR |
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| continuous wave NMR,CW NMR |
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| proton magnetic resonance spectrum,PMR |
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| magnetic quantum number,m |
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| local diamagnetic shielding |
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| long range shielding effect |
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| C-H correlated spectroscopy,C-H COSY |
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| selected ion monitoring ,SIM |
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| gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS |
| high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,HPLC-MS |
| electron impact source,EI |
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| chemical ionization source,CI |
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| fast stom bombardment ,FAB |
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| magnetic-sector mass spectrometer |
| quadrupole mass spectrometer |
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| high performance capillary electroporesis,HPEC |
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| supercritical fluid chromatography,SFC |
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| high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC |
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| thin layer chromatography,TLC |
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| capillary electrophoresis,CE |
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| ion exchange chromatography,IEC |
| steric exclusion chromatography,SEC |
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| gel permeation chromatography,GPC |
| gel filtration chromatography,GFC |
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| chemically bonded-phase chromatography |
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| developing solvent ,developer |
| criticak micolle concentration ,CMC |
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| two dimensional develoooment |
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| peak width at half height,W1/2 or Y1/2 |
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| height equivalent to atheoretical plate |
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| polydiethylene glycol succinate,PDEGS,DEGS |
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| wall coated open tubular column,WCOT |
| supprot coated open tubular column,SCOT |
| thermal conductivity detector,TCD |
| hydrogen flame ionization detector,FID |
| electron capture detector ,ECD |
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| high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC |
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| liquid-solid adsorption chromatography,LSC |
| liquid-liquid chromatography,LLC |
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| bonded phase chromatography,BPC |
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| paired ion chromatography,PIC |
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| ion suppression chromatography,ISC |
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| cyclodextrin chromatography,CDC |
| micellar chromatography,MC |
| affinity chromatography,AC |
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| chiral stationary phase,CSP |
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| fluorophotomeric detector,FD |
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| photodiode array detector ,DAD |
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| evaporative light scattering detector,ELSD |
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| high performance capillary electrophoresis,HPCE |
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| capillary zone electrophoresis,CZE |
| micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography,MECC |
| capillary gel electrophoresis,CGE |
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