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Who are the Best Carry Champions in TFT: A Comprehensive Guide

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Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is a popular game mode in League of Legends that challenges players to build their own team of champions and battle against other players. The key to success in TFT is to build a strong team composition with powerful champions that can carry your team to victory. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore some of the best carry champions in TFT and how to use them effectively.

One of the best carry champions in TFT is Vayne. Vayne is a 1-cost champion who is a strong carry in the early game. Her ability, Silver Bolts, allows her to deal true damage to enemies after landing three basic attacks. She also has a passive ability, Night Hunter, which grants her increased movement speed when chasing down enemies. Vayne is best paired with champions that can protect her, such as Braum or Leona, as she can be easily taken down by enemy assassins.

Another great carry champion in TFT is Jinx. Jinx is a 4-cost champion who excels in the late game. Her ability, Get Excited!, grants her increased attack speed and movement speed when she gets a takedown. Her ultimate ability, Super Mega Death Rocket, deals massive area-of-effect damage to enemies. Jinx is best paired with champions that can provide her with protection, such as Lulu or Thresh, as she can be vulnerable to enemy crowd control abilities.

Draven is another powerful carry champion in TFT. He is a 4-cost champion who is strong in the mid-to-late game. His ability, Spinning Axe, allows him to throw two axes at once, dealing bonus damage on his next basic attack. His ultimate ability, Whirling Death, deals massive damage in a straight line, making it perfect for taking out enemy units that are clustered together. Draven is best paired with champions that can protect him and peel enemies away from him, such as Sejuani or Vi.

Kai'Sa is a 5-cost champion who is a versatile carry in TFT. Her ability, Supercharge, grants her increased attack speed and invisibility, making her difficult to target by enemies. Her ultimate ability, Killer Instinct, allows her to quickly dash to an enemy unit, dealing massive damage. Kai'Sa is best paired with champions that can protect her and provide crowd control, such as Cho'Gath or Aurelion Sol.

In conclusion, there are many strong carry champions in TFT, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Knowing how to use these champions effectively and pairing them with the right team composition can help you dominate your opponents and climb the ranks in TFT. Whether you prefer early-game powerhouses like Vayne or late-game carries like Jinx and Kai'Sa, there is a champion out there for every playstyle. So get out there, experiment with different team compositions, and find the carry champion that suits you best!



发表于 2023-6-9 01:50:57




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